Our Crew


We’re a bunch of creative mutineers who carry out brazen market-share heists. We work hard, we play hard. Our process is sacrosanct. For a definition of that word, please talk to one of our brilliant copywriters.


  • Tom Sullivan

    Partner, CEO
  • John Vitro

    Partner, Creative
  • Robin Bartolini

    Creative Lead
    Had her lunch stolen by a Capuchin monkey in a Costa Rican Rainforest.
  • Mike Brower

    Creative Lead
    Capped off an Outback adventure in a half-submerged cage with salt-water billabong crocs. Willingly.
  • Beth Mygind

    Head of Client Service
    Learned the Canadian National Anthem in 1 day to sing at the Windy City Hockey Finals.
  • Guy Gouldavis

    Head of Strategy
    Survived on a Greek island for a week with nothing but watermelon and Ouzo.
  • Kelly Loft

    Media Director
    Had a wild pet owl as a kid growing up named Bob. She would sneak out at night and hand feed him while everyone slept.
  • Mike Payne

    Creative Technologist
    Once lit his beard on fire while blowing glass.
  • Ross Brodie

    Creative Lead
    Pitched a perfect game (in elementary school).
  • Tanya Tilman

    Associate Controller
    Once skipped a final exam to catch a flight to Jamaica and still passed the class.
  • Brian Dunaway

    Creative Lead
    Ate half his body weight in cheese hiking the Tour du Mont Blanc. And still finished.
  • Paul Lambert

    Sr Art Director
    While most Cajuns wrestle alligators, he’s been known to eat a few.
  • Cristi Samuels

    Print Production Manager
    Once won $5,000 in a nationwide radio contest by being the correct caller.
  • Chrissy Frentz

    Program Director
    Owns over 30 wigs, because some days having pink hair is more fun.
  • Mayela Romero

    Key Account Manager
    Went to Dallas for a two week vacation, and has lived there for 7 years.
  • Patricia Williamson

    Key Account Manager
    Was once featured in the Italian national newspaper La Republica.